The Christian Studies program gives
students an understanding of the
Christian ethos on which Kwassui is
founded, and encourages them to
find ways to serve their neighbors.
Leadership training

Education for Women

In providing a place for women’s
education, Kwassui aims to
produce graduates who will find
roles that they can fulfill actively
as women in response to the
needs of society: women who are
independent, who contribute
positively to the local community,and who are involved in shaping society.

The goal of the General Education Program is to provide the foundations to help students to develop in these ways, by giving them knowledge in a wide variety of fields, by promoting skills that will be of use in the workplace, and by giving them opportunities to develop their own informed opinions through research and discussion with others. Students take Core Courses as well as choosing from a wide variety of fields of study.

In an all-female student body,
women have to take the lead,
and students are encouraged to
develop leadership skills as well
as learning to cooperate as part
of a team.

Volunteer activities are
encouraged, and students find
many ways to contribute and
help out in the local community.

In the General Education Seminar, students collect newspaper
articles about a theme, write their own comments, and discuss their
ideas in groups, thus building vocabulary and learning to listen and
respond to other people’s ideas in addition to acquiring the latest
information and developing study skills.
Other Core General Education courses cover Citizenship, the
Japanese Constitution, Gender Studies and Wellness Studies.
English classes in the General Studies Program aim to give students
confidence in basic communication strategies in various situations
that they may encounter.
Evening Live – a monthly lobby
concert in the local art museum
Storyland – reading English
picture books together
Food for a local festival
Career Design Seminar